Reach us, anytime.
Phone/Whatsapp: +1 (716) 589-9204
Address: 8 The Green Ste A Dover/DE
Instagram/Facebook: @beautycarebag

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Log in with your password on the membership login screen or create a new membership to complete your order. The continue without membership option allows you to shop without being a member or complete your order by following the order screen. After making your payment, you can track your order on our website, and if you encounter an exceptional situation, you can contact us from the Contact Us section.
You can quickly find the product you are looking for by using the main categories in the top menu or by entering the keywords for the product you are looking for in the search box at the top right of the menu. You can easily find the most suitable product for the features you are looking for from our vast product range. The comments and scores on our products will also help you decide.
Your order will be delivered to your desired address within an average of 2 working days. Cargo delivery times can take up to 7 working days on special days or promotion times. You can easily track your order with the created tracking number, and the SMS sent on the delivery date.
You can track your order with the SMS sent when the tracking number is created or on the delivery date. You can also follow the status of your order in the "My Orders" section. After your order reaches your cargo within an average of 2 business days, you can access the relevant cargo company page and track the location of your shipment with the cargo tracking number sent by e-mail.